Welcome to the Norgate Civic Assocation (NCA)!

NCA Officers 2024/2025

President: Connie Bruno

Vice President: Divya Verma


Treasurer: Jim Pelzer

Block Captains:

   Dennis Street/Memorial Place - Sam Choong

   Highmeadow & Robin Road - Erin Wiegand

   Norgate Road - Jon Leipsic

   Normandy Lane - Christa (Felice) Reisman

eMail: norgatecivicassociation@gmail.com


Norgate Documents

Constitution & By-laws
The organizational document of the Norgate Civic Association.
Norgate Civic Association - Constitution[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [35.6 KB]
Norgate Map
Homes in the Norgate Civic Association
Norgate Map.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]

Norgate Residents - Get on the NCA eList. Pay your 2023-2024 dues!

Fill out the membership form and send it to our treasurer together with a check for your annual NCA dues. Your email address will be added to the NCA eList to receive important news of Norgate and the Manhasset community.
NCA Membership Form 2023-24.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [370.1 KB]

Norgate News - Latest Edition

Norgate News - Late Spring 2024 - Latest Edition
Annual meeting announcement, progress on BMW construction, new secondary schools baseball field, ice cream social event, and more.
Norgate News - Late Spring 2024 Revised.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

Upcoming NCA Events

Light the Night - Sunday, December 3, 2023
Illuminate Norgate and get together for refreshments and holiday music!
Light the Night.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.0 MB]

Norgate News - Back Issues

Norgate News - November-December 2023
Sun sets for Sunset Chapels, new BMW dealership to arise in its place. Plans for the coming year. Prevent porch piracy. Holiday message.
Norgate News - November-December 2023.pd[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [967.7 KB]
Norgate News - Summer 2023
The latest news of Norgate, including a message from the President of the NCA, BMW dealership plans approved, Earth Day cleanup, annual meeting, treasurer's report, protecting against car theft and burglary, and look out for dangerous bugs - the spotted lanternfly and the emerald ash borer.
Norgate News Summer 2023 - 202308.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [626.2 KB]
Norgate News - Special Sunset Chapels Redevelopment Issue - February 2023
All the latest on the plan to redevelop the former Sunset Chapels site with a BMW automobile dealership.
Norgate News - Special Sunset Chapels Re[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.3 MB]
Norgate News - Fall 2022
The Fall 2022 edition of the Norgate News includes a report to neighbors from President Connie Bruno, news of the election of officers and block captains at the annual meeting in June, and a summary of the proposed redevelopment of the former Sunset Chapels property. Positive discussions continue with the new owner and site plan document revisions remain in process.
Norgate News - Fall 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [729.3 KB]
Norgate News - November 2019
The November 2019 edition of the Norgate News covers, among other items of interest:
A report to neighbors from President Jim Vermeulen.
Fall clean-up morning scheduled for November 16th.
Treasurer's report.
Concerns, Comments, & Suggestions.
Keep up with community news.
Norgate News - 201911.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.0 MB]
Norgate News - Fall 2019
The Fall 2019 edition of the Norgate News covers, among other items of interest:
New leadership elected at June 2019 annual meeting.
A message to Norgate residents from President Jim Vermeulen.
Sunset Chapels property sold and on the market for development.
Annual dues notices.
Civic news of Manhasset & Norgate on Greater Council web site.
Concerns, comments & suggestions.
Norgate News - Fall 2019.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Norgate News - Spring 2015
The spring 2015 edition of the Norgate News covers, among other items of interest:
- Our neighborhood Spring Clean-Up, scheduled for Saturday, April 25th, from 10 AM to 2 PM.
- Holiday party report.
- Executive Board meeting.
- Leadership changes.
- Traffic & safety concerns.
- Scheduled work on Memorial Field.
- Recent meeting with public officials
Norgate News - Spring 2015.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [249.0 KB]
Norgate News Spring 2014
The Spring 2014 edition of the Norgate News. Among other items of interest, it covers:
-Our neighborhood Spring Clean-Up, scheduled for Saturday, May 3rd, from 10:30 AM to 12 Noon. Come out to spruce up Norgate!
- Dues collections by the Norgate Civic Association’s Treasurer.
- Repair of Norgate street lights.
- Reports on the Town’s S.T.O.P. program and evening hours of the Applicant Advocate of the Town’s Building Department.
- Efforts to reactivate the Association’s three standing committees, traffic & safety, beautification, and social events.
- Collection of resident information necessary for the publication of the Norgate Directory.
Norgate News - Spring 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [59.7 KB]

Sunset Chapels Redevelopment Documents

The former site of the Sunset Chapels funeral home on the north side of Northern Boulevard between Plandome and Norgate Roads has been purchased and is the subject of plans by its owner, 1285 Northern Boulevard, LLC, to develop it as a site for the sale of BMW automobiles. The site consists of three lots zoned Business-A and one zoned Residence-C. It is adjacent to homes in the community known as Norgate at Manhasset.

New Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions
Copy of the new declaration of covenants and restrictions burdening the lots comprising the former Sunset Chapels property and the residential lot at 22 Norgate Road, signed on behalf of the owner, the Town of North Hempstead, and the Norgate Civic Association and filed in the office of the County Clerk of Nassau County.
BMW Manhasset- Fully-Executed Stamped D[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [726.2 KB]
Town Board Minutes & Resolutions Approving Covenants & Restrictions and Granting Site Plan Approval
At the meeting of the Town Board of the Town of North Hempstead on June 6, 2023, it considered the application of the owner for approval of a new declaration of covenants and restrictions covering the property and for site plan approval. The Board granted both applications.
Town Board Minutes Resolutions - 202306[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.7 MB]
Decision of BZA Conditionally Granting Variances
On March 22, 2023, the BZA issued its decision granting the owner's application for variances, subject however, to certain conditions set forth in a rider to the decision and to the negotiation and adoption of a new declaration of covenants and restrictions.
BZA Decision - 20230322.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [89.7 KB]
NCA Submission to Board of Zoning & Appeals on Application for Variances
The new owner of the Sunset Chapels properties applied to the Board of Zoning & Appeals for certain variances needed to construct a BMW dealership on the site. The application appeared on the BZA's calendar of February 15, 2023. NCA representatives appeared and spoke at the hearing and submitted the attached document stating the position of the association on the application.
Norgate BZA Submission - 20230215.6.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [144.8 KB]
Nassau County Land & Tax Map § 3, Block 53.
Nassau County Land & Tax Map § 3, Block 53, showing the four lots that are the subject of the site plans (53, 54, 38, & 942) and their relationship to other lots in Norgate. The blue shading indicates the boundary of properties zoned Business-A. Pink shading indicates lots zoned Residence-C. Yellow shading indicates the three commercial lots that are owned by the developer.
Nassau County Land Tax Map, § 3, Block [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [631.3 KB]
Initial Site Plans for Redevelopment of Sunset Chapels Site - Spring 2022
These plans were withdrawn after consultations between the developer and the Norgate Civic Association.
2022-05-25 Full Site Plan Set.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.7 MB]
Revised Site Plan Documents - October 2022
Revised and improved site plan in which parking, lighting, grading, and landscaping were significantly changed from the earlier version to provide more protection to the Norgate community, including by preserving a number of mature trees along property borders.
2022-10-26 (2021-196)-Manhasset BMW Site[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [6.3 MB]
Site Survey
Detailed survey of the four lots that comprise the development site.
Site Survey - G21283.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.3 MB]
Architectural Plans for the Proposed Structure
Drawings of the layout of the three floors of the building and building elevations.
Architectural Combined Set.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.6 MB]
Application for Variances and Conditional Use Permit
These documents comprise the application of the developer, 1285 Northern Boulevard, LLC, to the Board of Zoning and Appeals of the Town of North Hempstead for variances and a conditional use permit. They include, among others, the Notice of Disapproval from the Building Department, the application itself and its addendum, a 1954 declaration of covenants and restrictions affecting parts of the site, a full environmental assessment form, and architectural plans for the proposed structure.
BMW Manhasset - Submitted Application (1[...]
PDF File [5.4 MB]
Traffic Impact Study - January 2023
This document and its addenda discuss the potential traffic impacts of locating an automobile sales facility at the former Sunset Chapels site.
BMW Manhasset- Final TIS (Revised 01-05-[...]
PDF File [2.4 MB]
300-Foot Radius Map
A map showing the properties within 300 feet of the borders of the development site.
2022-05-25 300 Foot Radius Map (RM-2)red[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.5 MB]

Past NCA Events

Second Annual Ice Cream Social October 2, 2022
Our annual Ice Cream Social is back on Sunday, October 2nd, from 2 to 3 PM. Come, bring the family, meet and socialize with your neighbors, and enjoy ice cream treats courtesy of your civic association. Location: West end of Normandy Lane. Rain date Saturday, October 8th.
Ice Cream Social October 2, 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [20.7 KB]
NCA EarthDay CleanUp Sat 4/25/15
see attached flyer for details
NCA Earth Day Cleanup 4-25-15 Flyer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [75.1 KB]
Norgate Holiday Party 12/5/14 Onderdonk House 7-9:30pm
see attached flyer for details and RSVP
Norgate 2014 Holiday Party Invitation 12[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [450.7 KB]

Norgate Community Cleanup – May 3, 2014.  Thirteen Norgate residents turned out to rake, clip, weed, mow, and meet with Town Councilwoman Anna M. Kaplan and Town Clerk Wayne H. Wink, Jr., who sponsored the event and provided t-shirts for participants and trash bags for the debris.  The job of cleaning the entry to the community along Norgate Road took about an hour and a half.  After a cold snowy winter and a rainy spring it was a pleasure to get outdoors on a sunny day, meet with neighbors and Town leaders, and really accomplish a needed task. Not pictured with the group is Erdal Can, who scraped, caulk cracks, and touched up the paint on the Norgate entrance pillars.