News & Events... What's Hot?
Its political season and campaign lawn signs on roadways are popping up - Chronic safety and visual pollution concerns. Greater Council adopted these common sense guidelines in the Manhasset area and has asked for the voluntary cooperation of all campaigns to comply.
Common Sense Guidelines for Political Si[...]
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Town Notices and Information - Call 311 (516-869-6311 from outside Town).
TNH Mobile Evening Office Hours: The TNH Constituent Services holds periodic mobile evening hour sessions throughout the town for residents to discuss any questions or concerns. Current Schedule and more info:, or call 311 [ from outside Town dial 516-869-6311 ].
Click on flyer image to enlarge
MWCABC Ladies Night Out Held Annually in Oct each year @ Leonards. click on flyer iomage to enlarge. More info at
Garbage Pick-Up Schedule and Recycling
The Town of North Hempstead's Residential Garabage and Recycling (Town unincoprporated Manhasset areas) pick up schedule is available online (link) or call 311. Residents in Incoorporated villages- see you village's webpage or call your Village Clerk's office. Are you recycling properly? See the Town's Recycling Guidelines online at (link).
Town STOP Events (Stop Throwing Away Pollutants). Upcoming Drop Off Dates & Locations. All events now include a clothing drop pff for BigBro's/Big Sisters. More info link
Town Clean Sweep (annual street sweeping in spring) Schedule for Manhasset Areas - North of the Long Island Expressway is (TBD)
Your roadway got missed? Call 311 so that Town crew can re-visit that roadway on the touch up day!
Scheduled work is weather dependent and may be slightly modified, but on your scheduled days, and until your roadway is completed, please:
- MOVE CARS into driveways if at all possible.
- If its your garbage day, DO NOT put your garbage pails in the roadway.
The clearer a roadway is, the more efficient the street sweeping staff can accomplish entire roadway to make your block look its best. Town's Clean Sweep covers all Town of North Hempstead Unincorporated Areas. Incorporated Villages are done independently by each Inc Village- consult your Village Hall.
Town gives Community Champion Award to Rich Bentley; click on article below
Our children, siblings, spouses or other loved ones are abusing opioids (Oxycodone, Hydrocodone and Heroin) at alarming rates; too many are dying from it. It can happen to your child or loved one. Learn what to do in case of an overdose and how to administer the life-saving, overdose- reversal agent called Naloxone, or Narcan. Narcan is the antidote to an opioid overdose; Attend & get your kit free!
Nassau County now has a 24hr Mental Health Substance Abuse Helpline, (516) 227-TALK. Calls are answered by mental health or substance abuse professionals from the County and the LI Crisis Center to better serve residents who struggle with mental illness and substance use disorders.
NCPD Narcan Flyer 2014.pdf
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WSJ Manhasset Article 8-2-14.pdf
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Town of North Hempstead Business & Tourism Development News/Events
Thinking of starting a business and need help on How to Get a Business Up and Running, Funded? Business Plans, Marketing and Operating plans, More info at:
TNH-BTDC Business Development Seminar Se[...]
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PSEG Overhead Transmission Line Project
PSEG PortW toGreatNeck Overhead Transmis[...]
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More Info about the toxic chemicals used in telephone pole treatment.
Quick Facts - OCDD_V2.pdf
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Other Events/ News
Christ Church Parish House Property Project: Successfully saved and preserved this historic Manhasset building for professional offices i (link to TNH minutes, 4-17-12 items 4,5,&6). More details on Manhasset Preservation Society Website.
Apple Bank Update 1/18/14: In the dead of winter on 1/18/14, a saturday morning of a long holiday weekend, Apple Bank cut down every tree in the buffer zone. Did valid permits get issued? and if so, HOW and why? It needs investigation. Media coverage:
Manhasset Press: not available online
Manhasset Times (link to article)
9/19/12 Apple Bank Withdraws Request Variance to Expand Parking Lot. The Apple Bank BZA application for proposed parking lot expansion into the established 30ft buffer zone to the neighboring property (covered by the existing Restrictive Covenant) has been withdrawn by the bank after last week's 9/19 BZA public hearing.
The portion of the Apple Bank's application for their requested variance for the non-conforming existing insufficient number of parking spaces in their current lot remains in the Bldg Dept process and is expected to be granted.
The very important heart of the issue is that the Town of North Hempstead must uphold the existing Restrictive Covenant on the Apple Bank property and deny the current BZA application. If the Town takes ANY OTHER ACTION, it will give a loud and clear signal to all Town of North Hempstead residents that Restrictive Covenants are meaningless. That will fully collapse all efforts made to date at the Village Bath/ Belanich Property. The Greater Manhasset area civic and resident support outside the Strathmore Village area that had been given to the Town's Property Zoning Change and its current Site Plan at the Belanich/Village Bath property were all heavily weighted/based upon the Restrictive Covenant being in place for that Property. Absent the Restrictive Covenant, there is absolutely NO civic or resident support.
Spinny Hill Documentary. Two public screenings held on 2/15&23/12 @ Manhasset Library were a big success. The DVD is available for purchase on eBay from a reputable seller near $15.