Manhasset's Bayview Civic Association (BCA)
Bayview.. "The Heart of Manhasset": Bayview is one of the unincorporated Manhasset neighborhoods within the Town of North Hempstead. Bayview covers Plandome Road to the Bayview Ave waterfont, and from Memorial Place to Colonial Parkway, and includes the Manhasset Valley Park, Mary Jane Davies Green, the LIRR Station and Manhasset Park District parking lots, and the Manhasset High School campus entrance. Typically, no matter where you live in Manhasset, you are bound to frequent the Bayview area.
2022 BCA Officers and Board: eMail:
President: John Minogue
Vice President: Richard Tortora
Treasurer: Eric Monroe:
Secretary: Teresa Tranfaglia
Committees and Committee Chairs - WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!
Halloween Childrens Event: Lynda Kong
Adult Events:
Manhasset Childrens Holiday Show: Eric Monroe
Traffic and Safety:
Holiday Wreaths: Alan Schwab, Jack Albechtsen
Bayview residential opposition letter to BZA. The online petition can be found at (block/copy/paste the following URL into your browser):
Residents Against Appeal 21382+Variances[...]
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Bayview Residents- Get on the BCA eList; Pay your BCA dues!
Complete the form, and mail with check (payable to 'Bayview Civic Association)' to :
BCA Treasurer Eric Monroe 30 Combes Dr Manhasset NY 11030. Online payment can be made using "Zelle" electronic payment service, making your payment to eMail Address =
BCA Membership form.pdf
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Annual Manhasset Childrens Holiday Spectacular Sat 12/15/18 @ 8:30am
See attached letter and form to help sponsor this Manhasset tradition. Contact the Coordinators:
Eric Monroe, (516) 909-1134;
Robbie Donno (516) 707-8473;
BCA Holiday Spectacular Sponsorship Lett[...]
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ANNUAL GUYS NIGHT OUT- Hosted by Manhasset’s Bayview Civic Association
Friday, Dec 8th starts 8pm … at GREEN’S - 436 PLANDOME ROAD
DRESS IS EXTREMELY RELAXED – Join us for a brief visit or more!
This event has been going on for 23 years. Please join us. You will be welcomed and feel at home.
More Info? Rich Murray 627-3301 Victor Sostar 627-9124 Todd Gray 627-8770
Rich Tortora 627-9694 Eric Monroe 365-5994 Jack Albrechtsen 365-2551
John Minogue 627-5771 Bob Reilly 7-5432 Rich Bentley 627-2695
Chris Aspinall 365-6104 Allen Schwab 869-9515 Kevin Ciani 627-1262
Click on Flyer image to enlarge
Manhasset Holiday Movie . Sat 12/15/18 at Bow Tie Cimena on Plandome Rd. Doors Open at 8:30am Planned Movie is Incredibles2 starts 9am.
Please Bring 2 lbs of non-perishable, non glass food per ticket - donated to Island Harvest.. feeding Long Island's neediest.
Santa arrives at end of Film with gifts for all children.
Tickets; $5 per person on sale at
State Farm/Nancy Morris Agency 22 Bayview Ave. 516-365-2525
Moves and Motions 47 Manhasset Ave, Phone: (516)869-1600
Douglas Elliman 154 Plandome Rd 516.627.28000
This Manhasset tradition organized by Manhasset's Bayview Civic Association (BCA) for 23 years, and this year with the Manhasset Rotary and Manhasset Chamber of Commerce!
You can pay your BCA dues or event fees using the Chase "Quickpay", Citibank "POPmoney" and "Bank of Amercica's "Mobile Transfer" systems, where you initiate your payment to an eMail address. Simply send your payment to:
Summer Bayview Area Project Pics (click pic below to start slide show)
LIRR Electrical Substation Site CleanUp [Project NYS-DEC V00396]
Update 8/2/16: LIRR Project Mgr Al Albano reports all soil removal activities are now complete, and the LIRR should be completely off-site by the end of this week. Our work plan calls for us to fully restore/landscape the area that we occupied between Bayview Ave. and Manhasset Bay. We are scheduled to conduct this landscaping work in mid-September, so that we give the new vegetation the best chance at survival.
Between now and September, the LIRR will be leaving a section of silt screen in place at the site, so as to protect any site-related silt/soil from running off into Manhasset Bay. Once the new landscaping is completed, and the site is vegetated, we will remove the silt screen.
Update 7/30/16: During the week of July 25th, work excavation along the shoreline exposed more 'sludge' than normal low tide... and hence the odors eminating from the area became more pronounced.
During the course of this excavation work, residents may notice an increase in “rotten egg / low tide” odor of hydrogen sulfide gas, which commonly emanates when subsurface sediments are disturbed in back-bay marine environments. The layman's term is 'the sludge' at the bottom of the bay. The human nose can readily detect even trace amounts of this gas. Project Manager Al Albano assures that there is no cause for concern over the unpleasant odor and that concentrations of this gas readily and naturally dissipate to safe breathing levels through open exposure to the atmosphere. The inceased odor will follow the local breeze/ wind directions, so residents in the nearby areas may or may not notice the smell as winds change direction. As a precaution, the LIRR has and is monitoring concentrations of this gas throughout their construction site an all monitoring results to date have been well below OSHA thresholds. According the LIRR project schedule, excavation and backfilling activities will be completed by the end of the day on Monday August 1st and initial site restoration activities will commence later in the week.
Project Mgr Al Albano provided these site restoration drawings for along Virginia Drive (ENV-10) and the Manhasset Outfall (ENV-14). With regard to site restoration along Virginia Drive, the 6' black chain link fence has already been installed. In mid-September approximately 120 new plantings will also be placed between the curb line and the black chain link fence along Virginia Drive (as shown on ENV-10), in addition to restoring the Outfall (staging area and slope).
LIRR Manhasset Remediation Site Restorat[...]
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LIRR Manhasset Remediation Site Restorat[...]
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Project Update 7/7/16 from LIRR Project Manager Al Albano: We’ve just reached some key milestones. As information, the project is moving along on-schedule. Below I’ve
provided a bullet-list that summarizes our progress to-date and provides some information regarding the work that still remains to be done.
Substation Site “Proper” on Virginia Drive:
· All impacted soil, as outlined in our work plan, has been removed from the substation site. This is the area extending from the Substation building, west (along
Virginia Drive) to the viaduct.
· Contractor has backfilled all excavations with clean soil and restored the grade of these areas with a new layer of ballast stone. In addition, a new rip-rap
drainage swale has been constructed in place of the old swale, which was excavated and removed.
· Starting 7/7/16, our contractor will be de-mobilizing from the site, and moving equipment and supplies to the Outfall Area, located at the foot of Manhasset bay (off
Bayview Avenue, just north of Viaduct).
· Over the next several days, a fencing subcontractor will be installing a new black chain-link fence along the south side of Virginia Drive,
· In the early fall (likely mid-September) landscapers will be returning to the site to install the various plantings along Virginia Drive, as detailed in our work plan.
Outfall Area at Manhasset Bay @ Bayview Ave.:
· Starting 7/7/16, our contractor will be mobilizing equipment and supplies to the Outfall Area, located off Bayview Avenue (just north of the Viaduct).
· Over the next 3 to 4 weeks, the contractor will remove impacted sediment from the foot of the outfall, and restore the area with clean material.
· In order to facilitate the work, some small trees and brush will be removed in the area of the Outfall. Once the work is complete however, this vegetation
will restored with new plantings.
Letter from LIRR Project Manager advising residents soil removal process to start week of 5/23/16.
LIRR Virginia Drive, Manhasset DEC Site [...]
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Manhasset site is on LIRR trackside property adjacent to Virginia Drive @ Thompson Shore Rd intersection.
NYS-DEC Project Fact Sheet Manhasset N10 (LIRR) Site #V00396, Virginia Drive & Tracks (copy and paste into your browser):
LIRR Manhasset Brownfield CleaUp Project[...]
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GC to NYS-DEC DOH LIRR Brownfield CleanU[...]
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TNH Supervisor Bosworth Comment V00396 [...]
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Distributed at meeting with LIRR 3/30/15
BCA LIRR Substation CleanUp Fact Sheet M[...]
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Distributed at meeting with LIRR held @ Library 3/30/2015
BCA LIRR Substation Site Fact Sheet Feb [...]
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PROJECT SUMMARY/ OVERVIEW: Under a Voluntary Cleanup Agreement with the NYSDEC, the LIRR is currently removing mercury-impacted soil from the area immediately adjacent to the electrical substation along Thompson Shore Rd at Virginia Drive, as well as an isolated location at the southern end of Manhasset Bay, near the LIRR trestle. The LIRR is also replacing the removed soil with clean soil and will be restoring the area with new landscaping once the project is finished.
During the early to mid-20th century, the LIRR used mercury filled glass tubes in the electrical substation building that controlled the electrical current flow to the LIRR tracks. Mercury tubes have long since been discontinued throughout the electrical grid and were replaced with modern electronics. Over time when they were in use, mercury spills inside the substation structure had contaminated the surrounding soil which then travelled, aided by rainfall, and eventually reached the bay via an underground drainage culvert, which terminates at the eastern shoreline of the bay, and settled in the underlying sediments. This summer 2016 project is the LIRR's culmination of this NYS-DEC regulated site clean up.
34 Bayview Ave site Preliminary Planning Discussion
This two family home was recently sold; Owner is discussing replacing with a mixed use building: A retail space on first floor with apartments above, one of which could be occupied by an call firefighter at the Company1 firehouse across the street. Seeking comments.
34 Bayview Ave Proposed Version 1 and 2.[...]
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Kentucky Derby Party (143rd running) Saturday, May 6, 2017 4 to 8pm.
BCA hosted the Kentucky Derby at the historic Manhasset Onderdonk House Strathmore Rd @ Northern Blvd
Two televisions to view. Food, drinks, mint juleps, etc.and Buffet Dinner - $32.00 per person. and meet some of your neighbors and fellow BCA members! Dress: Ladies: Fascinators: Don Your Derby Best! $32.00 per member in good standing, cash preferred since time is of the essence, drop off to Patti Bentley 21 Mora Ct Manhasset, NY 11030. Capacity is Limited. Contact Patti Bentley at 516-270-8382.